“PPSD a toujours été un environnement de confort et de visages familiaux. Chaque semaine, j’avais hâte à mes leçons de danse parce que l’environnement était toujours agréable et encourageant. Mille mercis pour les belles années que j’ai vécu avec Mme Pat, Mme Nat et toute autres enseignantes du studio. Lors de mon année séniore et mon dernier récital avec PPSD c’était impossible de ne pas avoir des larmes aux yeux parce que je partais de cette famille de danse tellement inoubliable.”
“…5 – 6- 7 -8 Musique!!! “Pat Picard School of Dancing” était mon 2e chez moi. J’ai plusieurs beaux souvenirs. J’avais déjà la danse dans le corps avant de commencer, mais Mme Pat et Mme Nat m’ont donné l’amour de la danse. J’avais toujours hâte d’aller à mes cours de danse. J’ai fait plusieurs styles de danse : la claquette, le jazz, le ballet, le modern et le Hip Hop! La claquette était et est encore aujourd’hui ma danse préférée! Incroyable les différents bruits et pas que tu peux créer avec ces souliers de claquette (magique)! Ma vie à ce studio ne sera jamais oubliée. La danse est une grosse partie de ma vie et je l’enseigne moi-même à mes élèves de 1ère année!”
“Dancing at the Pat Picard School of Dance has been such a blessing. It has given me an outlet to release my stresses, helped me build beautiful and long lasting friendships, and has taught me the importance of being kind to one another, just to name a few. The staff at PPSD are always ready to sit down and listen to you, no matter the issue. Their caring and loving demeanour are one of the many reasons I consider PPSD my second home. To this day, I catch myself dancing in my kitchen while making breakfast or cooking dinner. The things I’ve learned at PPSD go way beyond pointing my toes and turning out my feet. Dance was and will continue to be such an important part of my life thanks to my experience at the Pat Picard School of Dance.”
“À l’âge de 5 ans, j’ai commencé à suivre des cours au studio de danse Pat Picard. J’ai eu le plaisir de danser à tous les studios que Mme Pat a ouverts, de la cave sur la Hudson jusqu’à l’emplacement où se trouve le studio aujourd’hui en passant par 3 autres studios. Chaque déménagement est devenu un « deuxième » chez nous pour moi. Toujours bien accueillie, aimée, et respectée, c’était un endroit où j’ai su grandir et m’épanouir, et ceci à cause de Mme Pat et les « amies » de cette merveilleuse école de danse. Maintenant, mon fils continue la tradition en suivant lui aussi des cours de théâtre musical et Hip Hop à PPSD où il jouit de la même riche expérience que j’ai pu vivre pendant plusieurs années! Mme Nat suit certainement les pas de sa mentore, sa maman. PPSD est certainement une école de danse sans pareil! A++”
“PPSD has not only been a dance experience for me it has been like a home. Every time you walk into the studio you are welcomed with a smile and an open ear. I danced at PPSD for 14 years, where I made some long-lasting friendships with my classmates and teachers who have always encouraged me inside and outside of the studio. Through long nights at the studio dancing tap, ballet, hip hop, jazz, contemporary, and musical theatre. I was always leaving the studio with the biggest smile on my face. PPSD has always been a secure place to be yourself and dance your heart out. Thank you Mme Nat and Mme Pat for always being a great role-model for me growing up. PPSD will always hold a special place in my heart.”
“I started dancing at PPSD the aged of 4 and continued to dance until my high school graduation. Being at the studio felt like being with my family. When I returned to Timmins after university, I returned to dance as an adult. I now have the pleasure of watching my daughter love being part of the PPSD family as much as I have.”
“There are few places that prosper such a great environment that 7 years later you still miss it everyday: The Pat Picard School of Dance is that place. You do not simply learn to dance at this school; you learn a craft but you also learn respect, responsibility, confidence, camaraderie, teamanship and so many other values. However, do not let the word “school” deter you; you look forward to attending classes, seeing friends and getting your legs moving. I spent over 15 years of my life learning from the teachers as well as my fellow students. I can still call many of those people my friends because of the bonds we made at this particular school. To this day the world continues to be my dancefloor; literally and figuratively, and much of that is due to my time spent at PPSD.”
“I’ve been dancing with PPSD for over 20 years. They have become my second family. Nat and the other dance teachers are so loved. She is an amazing women who has touched so many lives. She puts her heart and soul into her studio and making sure every student can shine on stage. She provides the best possible experiences for her students, creating a positive learning environment with so much support and encouragement! Now as a mother, I want to give my daughter the amazing experiences I had at PPSD. My daughter loves going to dance and never wants to leave. She is able to get the self confidence in a way only Nat can make shine. I am forever grateful for the love and support throughout the years. Being able to share the stage with my daughter is an amazing feeling. #PPSDStrong”
“I’ve been part of the PPSD family since I was 9 years old. From the first day I stepped foot in the studio I immediately felt part of a new family. My experience has and continues to be wonderful. When it was time to introduce dance lessons to my daughter, there was no doubt in my mind which dance studio I would take her to. From day one, she has been thrilled to attend classes. It has become her happy place, her escape. She absolutely loves being at the studio and she always comes home with a smile. The dance teachers are kind, patient, passionate and dedicated. They continuously challenge their students. Most of all, they instil values in the dancers that help them grow into young caring, respectful, responsible, hard working human beings. The friendships formed over the years through the PPSD family have truly enriched both our lives.”
““We’re all family at PPSD” is a phrase you hear often throughout the studio. But what does that really mean?
I remember a time, several years ago, the studio was going through a rough time with the passing of Mme Pat. There was one dance class in particular that I obviously was having a rough day. I remember just stopping in the middle of class and crying. Immediately, my dance teacher came over and hugged me and we just cried. There was no judgement from anyone, just understanding. I will never forget that moment and the tears that we all shed.
Being an adult dancer, the women you dance with become your family a few nights a week. It’s a safe place to share our struggles and excitements of being moms, wives and working women. It’s a safe place to open up and be accepted. Your teachers become more than your teacher, they become your friends as well....your family. We look forward to the escape every week to spend time with great women, both students and teachers.
Being a dance mom now, I know the environment that I am sending my child to; I know the love and support that my child will get because I received that same love and support since I was a child and even as an adult dancer. There is no other place I would send my child to help foster her love of dance. Her teachers are always there to greet them with a smile or a hug. They are there not only to teach pirouettes and chassés but also to teach acceptance and strength. There is always someone to talk to, laugh with or even cry with at PPSD. I have been part of the family for 28 years and hope to be there for 28 more.”
“We are fortunate to have joined the Pat Picard School of Dance studio 5 yrs ago, and we have never looked back...
My daughter has been dancing since the young age of 4yrs old, and her love for dance shines brighter every year on stage.
She continues to learn skills far beyond what is demonstrated on the dance floor...
Self confidence , Positive attitude, respect, friendship, caring, and kindness which are a reflection of our outstanding dance teachers.
The dance studio’s welcoming, supportive and Family oriented atmosphere makes every dancer feel at home..we are all Friends at PPSD 💕
”Dance like nobody is Watching, and don’t forget your Smile “”